
We offer wrap around care for children who attend St. Michaels First School

The Allstars Club is run under the same registration as the Preschool and operates under the same Policies and Procedures. Copies of these are available for you to view.



We offer breakfast for children booked in at 8.00am and will escort your child to their Class at 8.50am.

Children can choose from a selection of cereals, including porridge, wholemeal toast and fresh fruit. We can also offer fruit juice, semi-skimmed milk and water.

We also accept bookings from 8.30am, giving you the opportunity to get to work on time or just to beat the traffic at the School gate. Your child can stay in breakfast club, play and chat with friends and will be taken to their Class in time for the start of School.


After breakfast we will supervise your child as they clean their teeth if you have provided us with a named toothbrush and toothpaste.


We will collect or a teacher from school will bring the children down to the preschool at the end of the school day. Children will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of planned activities available. We will provide children will a nutritious afternoon snack and drink during these sessions. We have a secure handover from the school and the opportunity to take any messages from your child's teacher to pass on.



Bookings must be made in advance as we have limited spaces. Priority will be given to regular users. Bookings should be made in person, by email or by telephone and with a minimum of 24 hours notice.

Times Cost
3:30pm-4:00pm £2
3:30pm-4:30pm £4
3:30pm-5:00pm £6
4:40pm-5:00pm £2

Here are some of the things we get up to in Allstars

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