Early Years Entitlement & Pupil Premium

Early Years Entitlement & Pupil Premium

Early years entitlement information for parents

Taken from the Somerset County Council website https://www.somerset.gov.uk/children-families-and-education/early-years-and-childcare/early-years-entitlement-information-for-providers/

We will fund part-time early years entitlement places for three and four year olds starting from the funding period after the child’s third birthday. This is called the universal entitlement.

 The Early Years Entitlement can be claimed at:

  • a day nursery
  • a pre-school or playgroup
  • an independent school
  • a children’s centre nursery
  • a maintained nursery
  • a reception class in a primary or infant school
  • a foundation stage unit and academy
  • with an approved childminder

The provider must agree to abide by the terms and conditions in the Somerset Local Provider Agreement to offer the early years entitlement.

Providers must be on either the Ofsted Early Years Register, Ofsted Schools Register or inspected under the Independent Schools Inspectorate and follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) learning and development and welfare requirements;

Applying for the funding

The parents’ and carers’ chosen provider will claim on their behalf and we will pay the money directly to the provider. Parents and carers must check with their provider that they are registered to offer the Early Years Entitlement.

From each provider, we will require you to send us:

  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport with a signed Child Registration Form
  • a completed and signed Parent’s Declaration Form to claim the funding

These will be submitted by the provider. If a birth certificate or passport is not available from the parent or carer, other forms of legal documentation may be accepted. Please contact the Entitlements Team for clarification. If these documents are not submitted, the Early Years Entitlement will not be paid and the parent may be charged for the hours their child has accessed.

How much funding is my child entitled to?

The Early Years Entitlement gives your child a maximum of 570 hours each year. This will start the funding period after your child's third birthday and will last for 3 funding periods (equivalent to one year). 

The maximum entitlement that can be claimed is 15 hours per week. 

The minimum that can be claimed per day is 2.5 hours and the maximum per day is 10 hours. After the first 2.5 hours, the Early Years Entitlement can only be claimed for part hours in blocks of 15 minutes. 

The next entitlement year, (starting the funding period after your child's fourth birthday) your child will receive another automatic allocation of 570 hours which will also last for another 3 funding periods. 

2 year funding information for parents

Families with 2 year old children who meet the criteria below can apply for funding for 2 year olds. Somerset County Council will pay for a place for up to 570 hours over the year at a registered childcare provider. A maximum of 15 hours per week is available. Children become eligible in the funding period after their second birthday.

Families who receive any of the following are entitled to funding for 2 year olds:

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Employment & Support Allowance (Income Related) – not Contribution related
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA) – not Contribution based
  • Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) of less than £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit 4-week run on – the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit – if you and your partner have a combined income from work of less than £15,400 a year after tax
  • Children who are 2 and attract Disability Living Allowance
  • Children who are 2 and have an Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Children who are 2 and are looked after by the Local Authority
  • Children who are 2 and have been adopted, or who have left care through special guardianship or child arrangement orders

How to apply
There is an online form which can be completed using the ‘Apply now’ button below. 

'Apply now'

15 hours entitlement for 2 year olds information for parents

Eligibility for the extended entitlement

Working* parents of two year olds will need to meet the following criteria to be eligible for up to 15 hours a week funded childcare:

  • Each earns or expects to earn the equivalent to 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or Living Wage over the coming three months.

This means you don’t have to actually work 16 hours a week but earn at least the equivalent wage rates.

How to apply 

There is an online form which can be completed using the ‘Apply here’ button below.

You must apply for the extended entitlement hours through Childcare choices or by calling 0300 123 4097 if you do not have access to the internet.

If you have any problems applying for the extended entitlement please ring the HMRC Helpline on 0300 123 4097.

'Apply Here'

What to do if you are successful

If you are successful, you will receive an 11 digit code to take directly to a participating childcare provider. They will need your:

  • 11 digit eligibility code (begins with 500)
  • child’s legal name and correct date of birth (please take birth certificate if possible)
  • parent name and their National Insurance Number

They will then gain your written permission to verify the code with the Local Authority. Once the code is verified, a place can be confirmed for the funding period after your child becomes 2 years old.

Please present your code to all providers that you are accessing your universal and extended hours funding with. They will ask you to complete a parent’s declaration form to indicate who you are claiming the universal hours with, and the extended hours with. Please keep your copy for your records

30 hours extended entitlement information for parents

All three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded early education or childcare a week, for up to 38 weeks a year, or 570 hours a year if ‘stretched’ from the funding period after they become 3 years old. This is known as the ‘universal entitlement’.

The government has extended this entitlement to 30 hours a week (for up to 38 weeks a year). In Somerset, families can ‘stretch’ this entitlement to a maximum of 1140 hours a year. This is known as the ‘extended entitlement’.

Eligibility for the extended entitlement

Working* parents of three and four year olds will need to meet the following criteria to be eligible for up to 30 hours a week funded childcare:

  • Each earns or expects to earn the equivalent to 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or Living Wage over the coming three months.

This means you don’t have to actually work 16 hours a week but earn at least the equivalent wage rates.

How to apply 

There is an online form which can be completed using the ‘Apply here’ button below.

You must apply for the extended entitlement hours through Childcare choices or by calling 0300 123 4097 if you do not have access to the internet.

If you have any problems applying for the extended entitlement please ring the HMRC Helpline on 0300 123 4097.

'Apply Here'

What to do if you are successful

If you are successful, you will receive an 11 digit code to take directly to a participating childcare provider. They will need your:

  • 11 digit eligibility code (begins with 500)
  • child’s legal name and correct date of birth (please take birth certificate if possible)
  • parent name and their National Insurance Number

They will then gain your written permission to verify the code with the Local Authority. Once the code is verified, a place can be confirmed for the funding period after your child becomes 3 years old.

Please present your code to all providers that you are accessing your universal and extended hours funding with. They will ask you to complete a parent’s declaration form to indicate who you are claiming the universal hours with, and the extended hours with. Please keep your copy for your records

Early years pupil premium information for parents

The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra amount of money to the nursery or pre-school for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits or who have been adopted or are in care.

The provider can use the funding in any way they chose to improve the quality of the early years education that they provide for the children. This could include, for example, additional training for staff on early language, investing in partnership working with colleagues to further their expertise or supporting staff working on specialised areas such as speech and language.

It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school. A pupil premium has been available for school age children and it has given a real boost to the children receiving the funding.


The child must attend a setting in Somerset.

Parents and carers who receive any of the following will qualify for The Early Years Pupil Premium:

  • Universal Credit with an annual income of less than £7,400
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) – not Contribution related
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA) – not Contribution based
  • Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit.
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, providing you do not also receive Working Tax Credit, with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) of less than £16,190
  • Three and four year old children that have been adopted, or who have left care through special guardianship or child arrangement orders
  • Three and four year old children who are Looked After by Somerset County Council.

How to apply

Parents need to apply by using the application form on the early years pupil premium information for parents page. All applicants will receive a letter regarding the outcome of their application. The Entitlements Team will notify providers of those children that we have had legal documentation and a child registration form for and where qualifying criteria has been met.

Regular checks will be carried out to confirm continued eligibility and parents are advised that they must notify the Entitlements Team if their circumstances change, as they may then no longer qualify for the additional funding.

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